Friday, October 1, 2010

The Making of A CHAMPION - The Glen Rose Beavers

The Making of A CHAMPION
“Continuing a Tradition”
What Makes Our TEAM Special

Glen Rose prides itself on a tradition-rich football program that has taken many years to develop. We have adopted and believe in the TEAM concept. This team is special due to the input of people including the Glen Rose superintendent, coaches, faculty, players, pep squads, band, parents, as well as a community that stands behind the athletic program. We believe in the maxim “Together We Are Strong”.

This year’s theme is “Whatever It Takes”. This statement reflects the preparation, dedication, and attitude of each player and coach. Much is expected from each coach and player through summer workouts, football camps, and conditioning programs. One must have the HEART of a CHAMPION!

We begin preparing for the upcoming season the day the current season ends. Our coaches expect excellence from all players. Players turn in grade sheets every week with comments from their teachers, ensuring that academic standards are maintained. WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE both on the field and in the classroom.

Our team is a unique combination of players. With a vibrant chemistry that is reflected on and off the field, in our community, and in our classrooms. The Beavers are kids whose heart often outweighs their athletic abilities by leaps and bounds. In contrast, we also have players with extreme athletic abilities and heart. OUR KIDS DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!!

Our program principles instill in young men that there are adversities in life but through preparation, attitude, hard work, and dedication to a purpose, we can achieve. We are preparing each player for life. Each week a mission statement is given to players, some are included on the video you will review. The mission statement reflects a TEAM concept.

We are special because of our HARD WORK and DEDICATION to CONTINUING THE TRADITION.

*So to answer the question What makes our Team Special?? WE ARE ONE HEARTBEAT!!

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