Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mountain Pine High School Teamwork Challenge Entry

Our team is special because of our fight against the hardships being thrown at our team. We faced numerous difficult obstacles in this short season so far. Before our season truly began there were rumors all over the town that we weren't going to have a football team this year because we had a very low number of players. But we had proven them wrong! We had sixteen players at the beginning of August and ended up with twenty-four. Everyday we gave everything we had to our practice. We pushed ourselves, not letting our small numbers hold us back. When the first game came around we had three of our starters leave with injuries. One was not able to play for two weeks but the other two continued to play despite their injuries. These three continued to practice and be involved in everything they could.

The players and the coaches all have a very unique relationship with each other and are not limited to football activities. Every Thursday after practice the football team will have a bonding time and go out to eat and talk. Outside of football practice, some of the football players and the head coach have a little “war” occurring. This “war” is little harmless pranks being played on each other. All of these things combined make our team special.

Caleb Ellison and Aaron Garcia, Representatives of Mountain Pine Football 2010

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