Monday, September 21, 2009

Score Your Next Big Win!

Summit Bank is scouting for a central or southern Arkansas high school football team to be featured in some local advertising this fall. This is your chance to enter your team to win a starring role – and get $2,500 for your schools athletics department. Take a shot at fame and a little fortune all at once!

Your entries can be sent to as videos, photos, and audio recordings or in written form as an essay. If your team decides to submit a video, you can upload the video to YouTube and email us an embedded link to the video. All teams are required to include a team photo and a response to the question, “What makes YOUR team special?”

The five-team finalists will be selected based on the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into answering the question regarding what makes the team special as well as the passion and interest shown by the team, coach and school. In addition to the $2,500 grand prize, Summit Bank will also have a community tailgate party for the winning community and award $500 to the other top four finalists.

Have fun, be creative and show your team spirit! Just let us know why your football team is so special and deserves to be in the spotlight and your school could win $2,500. The contest opens today and entries must be received no later than October 23, 2009. Follow us on Facebook and visit our blog at You can easily find us on Facebook by searching for “Summit Bank.”

Shelly Loftin
Summit Bank

1.) All high school teams in central or south Arkansas are invited to participate in the competition.
2.) Selected finalists may be invited to appear at a casting call in early November.
3.) The winning team will be selected to be featured in advertisements the Bank plans to use as a part of an advertising campaign.
4.) The team’s coach and the head of the team’s school must approve the entry.
5.) Each individual participant in any advertising must provide Summit Bank with a full release, in the form requested by the Bank, authorizing the Bank to use the participants name and image in the marketing campaign.
6.) No individual will be compensated directly. The Bank will contribute $2500 for the benefit of the winner’s school. In addition, the Bank will contribute $500 for the benefit of each other finalist’s school.
7.) The Bank’s selection of the winner is solely within the discretion of the Bank. The Bank’s decision is final. The odds of being the winner will depend on how many entries the Bank receives. See official rules on Summit Bank’s facebook page for complete details.